lundi 27 avril 2009

Sometimes i wake up and find some really weird photos in my phone.... Where the fuck I took this last night? lol

Yo, no update last day, no time.
Well, I would say this was the healthy day of the trip.
Woke up early and went to practice at Tsutomo's spot in Ikebukuro. It was soooo windy and the spot was a bit shitty, but We had a good time. New tricks new tricks new tricks!!
We got to ucchie place, eat something and went to the Fitness center to weight some lift! Swimming a bit and then it was time to go home, 11:30 P.m.
It was Koby birthday yesterday and we decided to go to Ropponghi, which is a non sleeping city. We had a hard time finding some packed club, Yeah actually it was monday... lol
At 3 a.m we went to a Karaoké with some random girls, and If I rememeber well, I yelled too much on "Heart shaped Box-Nirvana", I forgot my voice at the place... fuck We went back at Ucchie place at 8 this morning. Kobi was kinda wasted... check the photos...
It's sunny today, so I guess we gonna find some spot and go ride today. let's see.

Pas de news hier, pas le temps.
Mais bon, rattrapage ce matin.
Je dois dire que c'était le jour "Santé" du trip.
Levé tôt et riding au spot de Tsutomo à Ikebukuro. Il y'avait un vent de dingue et le spot est un peu pourrie, mais on a bien rigolé. New tricks new tricks! hehe.
retour chez le Ucchie, un ou deux bol de riz, direction le centre de fitness pour lever un peu de fonte. à 23h30, retour à la maison un peu fatigué, mais c'était l'anniversaire de Koby, le colloc de Ucchie. Du coup direction Roponghi, la ville qui ne dors pas. Ca à été un peu dur au début de trouver un endroit avec du monde dedans, en même temps c'était Lundi. A 3 h du mat, je me suis retrouvé dans un Karaoké avec des meufs trié sur le pavé.
Je crois que j'ai un peu trop crié sur "Heart shaped box" de Nirvana, j'ai oublié ma voix dans l'endroit... fuck.
rentrage chez le Ucchie à 8 h ce matin... Le Kobi était un poil sec... photo? héhé
Il fait beau là, on va essayer de se motiver à aller rouler.
La bise

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