lundi 15 juin 2009

BCN Bike Show

Re-week end à Barcelone donc, De toute façon c'est impossible de se lasser de cette ville, il fait tous le temps beau, il y'a la plage,des milliards de spots, des riders et bien sur nos chers amies du sexe feminin.
Re Barcelone pour le Bike show cette fois-ci. J'y étais parti en mode vacance de toute façon, ça ne s'annonçait pas comme LE contest de l'année.
J'ai été surpris de voire quand même pas mal de pro débarquer dont Mike.S de retour d'Australie.
Le samedi soir petite jam Chille entre riders accompagné par Le speaker Finlandais du Bike'n Mic (Michael Black Electro).
Ré-soi avec tous les potes du team Vans, le Senad Grosic et son équipe, le Raph et sa copine, Viki Nathan, Michael.... bref, superbe soirée, fini bien trop tard encore une fois.
après une baignade dans la méditeranée le dimanche matin, ça enchaine avec le contest, sous forme de battle.
Nathan ne s'étant pas réveillé et Viki étant blessé, ça a été plutot vite.
Finale à 4 avec Raph Chiquet, Mike.S, un espagnole et OIM.
Raph a rentré un pur enchainement du genre x foot magaspin 360 bike varial to x foot megaspin mais s'est fait voler par les juges. Mike.S a rentré ses enchainements de d'habitude, comme moi.
ce qui donne
1-Matthias Dandois
3-Spanish Guy
4-Rafio Chiquet.

Le contest étant baché à 3 h, grosse après midi à la plage, les vacances, il n'ya que ça de vrai!!

Il y'avait aussi un contest de street avec un Park bien Ghetto!
Le team Vans France (Alex Valentino, Alex Bourguigui et Kevin Kalkoff, accompagné du Kang) était belle et bien là! Best Tricks et 3 ème place pour Alex V, 5ème et 6ème place pour les autres!
1-Tobias Wicke: Frontflip No hand, Flip Whip, Lip tricks....
2-Bommel: Flip Double whip! Flair 720 Tailtap
3-Alex Valentino: Handplant 360! 180 Nohand sur le spine
4-Sergueï: Fufanu tout en haut du wall
5-Kevin Kalkoff: Treeees flow partout, 180 fakie wall halfcab.
6-Alex Bourguigui, Très haut en 360 Nosedive!
Je dirais que c'était pas l'événement de l'année (en street et en Flat), mais au moins qu'est ce qu'on a rigolé!

Allez la bise!

2 week ends in Barcelona Back to Back! That's what I like! You can't get boring of this city, The sun always shine, there are billions of spot,plenty of riders, an awesome night life and sooo many cute spanish girl around!
Well, There was also the traditional Bike show this week end!
I was there in Holiday, because it seemed that would't be the best contest of the year, but I got surprised to see that many pro riders came, including Mike.s, back from Australia.
Satursday evening, we had a really cool jam with all the pros, and also Michael Black electro, the Bike'nMic MC. Many tricks and fun went down.
Party with the guy from the street VANS Crew, Senad Grosic and Co, Raph C and his GFriend, Viki, Nathan, Michael... Well, another one that finished way to late! ahaha
Sunday morning, after a quick bath in the Mediteranean see to wake me up, It was time for the contest.
Since Nathan didn't wake up and Viki was injured, It was quite fast. Battle format.
It was funny with Michael Black Electro on the Mic. This guy throw down a Rap performance while we ride. Good athmosphere.
let's go to the final 4 (Mike.S, Raph C, A spanish Guy and Me).
Raphael really rode good: somethig like X footed megaspin 360 Bike varial to X footed Megaspin) but got stolen from the judges... Whatever. Mike.S pulled his regular contest tricks, so do I.
1-Matthias Dandois
3-Spanish Guy
4-Raphael Chiquet.

It look like it's going to be cool next year since it's going to be a Bike'n Mic contest!
The contest end up at 3, so we head to the beach! so good afternoon!
Let's say it was definitely not the event of the year, But what a fun we had!!

There were also a street contest!
1-Tobias Wicke: Frontflip No hand, Flip Whip, Lip tricks....
2-Bommel: Flip Double whip! Flair 720 Tailtap
3-Alex Valentino: Handplant 360! 180 Nohand on the spine
4-Sergueï: Fufanu on the top of the wall
5-Kevin Kalkoff: sooo much flow! 180 fakie wall halfcab.
6-Alex Bourguigui, Astronaut 360 Nosedive!

Paaaf Litle bonus, some footage from the satursday evening jam:

6 commentaires:

  1. Raphael did it great in the final, but in he didnt qualify cuz Neuma(the spanish guy) did it better than him..The final was You, Mike S, and Neuma(the spanish guy). But I dont know why, u pros decided to brake the rules of the contest to take Raphael to the final. For me, as a Judge Raphael wasnt in the final, thats why he get the fourth place.

  2. Totally agree with you. If Raphael screwed his qualification run, how can he pretend to go to the final? I heard he even got a prize like the other 3 who actually passed to the finals but unlike those who, like him, failed in the first battle. In the qualification run Neuma (Alejandro Encinas) landed ALL his links while Raphael didn´t finish any, so in stead of complaining, you should be grateful. I think that no matter who you are and what your sponsors are, if you srew your run, you accept your defeat and sit down to watch the finals.
    Next time, try to drink less and ride better.


    Traduction pour les frenchies:

    Complétement d'accord avec toi. Si Raphael a foiré son run de qulifications, comment peut-il prétendre aller à la finale? J'ai entendu dire qu'il avait même reçu une récompense comme les 3 qui sont réellement passés en finale et mais pas comme ceux qui, comme lui, ont échoué pendant la première battle. Pendant le run de qualification, Neuma (Alejandro Encinas) a terminé TOUS ses enchainements tandis que Raphael n'en a terminé aucun, donc au lieu de se plaindre, il serait juste d'être reconnaissant. Je pense que peu importe qui tu es et qui sont tes sponsors, si tu foires ton run, tu acceptes la défaite, tu t'assieds et tu regardes la finale.
    La prochaine fois, essaie de boire moins et rouler mieux.


  3. LOL
    Were you at the event???
    1- Raphael didn't screw up his qualification run, I have the video. Even if he would have screw up a bit his qualification run, what does the spanish guy is like A million time less hard than raphael does.
    2-Raphael didn't drink anything but 2 beers on satursday night and went to sleep at 2 am (which is not late) because he was with his girlfriend and he wanted to take care of her.
    3-Raphael didn't get the prize, I GAVE my prize to his girlfriend so she could choose what she wants for her and for his little brother. But she was too shy to take it so Raph went and took prizes. WE didn't give a fuck about one t shirt, and a paires of shoes, WE already got sponsor for it.
    4-Judges were the spanish guy friend.
    5-That was not a real contest, just a show, Raphael didn't even ask for riding, we just go like, let's have fun together.
    6-You better not talking about what you don't know... You were NOT at the event, so you better come to contest and talk to US as real mens next time you wanna speak.
    Have fun

  4. Go Matthias go!
    The first link into crackpacker no hand was crazy!Also Raph links werw insane!

  5. Why do you get so nervous when people give their opinion? I'll try to answer to you but we agree on one thing: next time we want to share opinions will try to do it face to face (maybe with a couple of beers) even if right now it's easier to do it virtually.
    I wasn´t at this contest (but I was at the BCN Extreme the previous week) but I know many people who were there and they told me about the contest.
    1- I'd like to see the video you're talking about. Could you provide a link? I never said Raphael's tricks weren´t difficult. I just said that in a contest, it´s better to pull normal tricks than fail difficult one.Look what happened at the Bcn Extreme. Guelo got 6th place and Alex 7th when we all know that alex has some tricks much harder thant Guelo's but Alex failed a lot during his run when Guelo didn´t. The point of going to contest is to show you always pull you links. Even more when you're pro rider and ride everyday. Then if a guy who doesn´t pretend to be pro, has a regular job and only rides at the weekend does a better routine than a pro, I can understand that it hurts but hey, shit happens!
    2- Who? no, I mean who cares? I was just refering to the article published above.
    3- Ok, my mistake. No need to be so arrogant with the sponsor thing.
    4- Yeah like being Spanish means all Spanish people are your friends
    5- Apparently our definitions of contest don't match. For me when there are qualifications, finals and prize, it's a contest. A show is when you ride, people applause and you go home.
    6- Again, no need to be so stuck-up. I have no problems with talking face to face to people. I'm no 14-year-old boy hiding behind a computer. I started going to contests 10 years ago and I'm always disappointed when people get to the finals for who they are and not for what they pull during their run.
    Anyway, as i said before, next time let´s have a beer and talk about this (or more pleasant topics) face to face. It's a lot easier to comunicate this way.

